

Q: How can I change or cancel my order?

A: You may change or cancel your order by phone as long as it has not been packed or shipped. If you would like to make a change, please email us at along with your order detail information.

Q: How Do I Find The Perfect Item?

A: At, we offer a variety of search tools to help you track down the item you are seeking.

To search for items by keyword:

A: Enter the keyword(s) that best describes what you're looking for in the Search text field located in the top right corner .

For a quick and easy way to find particular items in specific categories: has "e-catalog" menu for various products that makes shopping easier.

* Within e-catalog you'll be able to select specific criteria tailored for each group to help guide you to the items you're looking for.
* Within the specific criteria, you will be able to located items by color, size and shape, respectively.

Q: If I order online, will local sales tax still apply to my order?

A: No. Since we are wholesaler, the local sales tax won't apply to your order, but we DO need your seller's Permit or Sales Tax License. Click [HERE] to download our resale certificate now.

Q: Will I get an order confirmation?

A: For every order you submit to, you will receive an email pre-order confirmation. For your security, we will only send an order confirmation to the email address you provide. Please be sure to enter your email address correctly to ensure that you receive your order confirmation. We recommend that you keep a printout of this confirmation for your records. You will need your order confirmation for reference when you check your order status.

Q. Can I make changes to my order after it has been submitted?

A: You are able to change or cancel your order after you place it but only if the order has not yet been packed and prepped for shipping or shipped. If you would like to make a change, please email us as (also you have option to cancel or change an order by phone).

Q: What is your return policy?

A: It's easy to initiate a return. Simply call us at 1-800-992-8483 and ask for RMA ( Return Merchandise Authorization) number and further return directions within three to five business days. The followings are some details:

* You have up to 10 days after the Gems Resources ship date to initiate your return. Due to the nature of our business, items returned after 10 days are not always marketable. Therefore, we do not accept returns that reach us after 10 days from receipt of goods. We charge a 10% restocking fee for items returned after 10 days of receipt of the product. We CAN NOT accept returns after 30 days. We will ship late items back to you.
* AT, we charge a $2.00 handling fee on each returned item. Please call us for return authorization numbers before sending any merchandise back. We reserve the right to inquire why you would like to return so that we may improve our services in the future.
* All items must be returned in their original condition, including the original packaging must be in a crush-proof box to prevent any kind of damages. Worn, broken, damaged or non-original condition returns are not acceptable. All costs related to return shipping must be paid by the customer. Shipping and handling fee are not refundable. We will not accept any items that do not meet these requirements, and will return them to you. If you reject that return shipment, Gems Resources reserves the right to liquidate the inventory and withhold credit.
* As a precautionary measure, thoroughly inspect the item before the driver leaves your home. Occasionally an item will be damaged during shipment. If you notice any damage to the box or item, note the damage in detail on the receipt and do not accept delivery of the package. we will send you a replacement item immediately or credit your account upon receipt of the item at our warehouse. It is VERY important that you do not accept or sign for a damaged package. Contact customer service immediately at 1-800-9928486.
* For customers' own protection purpose, we suggest that you use a shipping carrier with a reliable tracking system for your returns. We do not issue refund if your return package is lost in the shipping process. To ensure proper credit to your account, please retain the tracking number until the credit has been posted to your account.

Q: What if my order is not available at the time?

A: If your order is not available , we will email you about the time we will carry, OR you can just simply cancel that particular item or whole order.

Our Contact Information

Gems Resources Enterprise Inc.
339 5th Ave 3rd Fl
New York N.Y. 10016

phone: 1-212-213-4466/1-800-992-8483
fax: 1-212-213-2427
